Fox News show host Tucker Carlson mentions PSSD

On July 25th 2022 Fox News show host Tucker Carlson did an episode on a recent study disproving the popular “chemical imbalance theory” of depression that SSRIs were marketed to address. This theory was popularized by antidepressant advertisers, and though it is not officially endorsed by psychiatrists it has been tacitly allowed to dominate the public understanding of depression treatment. In his discussion of the recent study Tucker Carlson mentioned several problems linked to SSRI treatment including elevated risk of birth defects, elevated risk of violent crime and Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction.

“In the same journal in 2020, researchers found that "post-SSRI sexual dysfunction is underrecognized and can be debilitating both psychologically and physically."

The mention of these risks beings at the 6:51 minute mark.

It is energizing to hear PSSD being spoken about on such a large platform. Tucker Carlson Tonight is America’s most widely watched cable news show.

Full article here.


Report on presentation to BC Union of Social Workers


Article on PSSD published in Visions magazine